음악 5번

2024. 5. 16. 13:24OPEC 도전기

You indicated in the survey that you listen to music. Pick two different kinds of music or composers. Describe each in as much detail as possible, and then compare the similarities and differences between them

As for Music, there is fast music and slow music.


First of all, fast music includes heavy metal, hip-hop, rock, EDM, and so on.


These kinds of music are exciting, rhythm-fast, and deliver high energy.


That's why it's good to enjoy dancing.


On the other hand, slow music includes ballads, classical music, and religious music.


These kinds of music give a relaxed and emotional impression.


That's why it helps to be calm and increase concentration.


What these two music have in common is that they both convey emotions to people through rhythm and melody.


To be honest, I usually listen to music according to my mood.


That’s pretty much all I have to say about music compared to fast and slow music.


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