텔레비젼 3번

2024. 5. 18. 09:37OPEC 도전기

Tell me what you usually do when you watch TV shows or movies.
When do you watch it?
Who do you watch it with?
Where do you watch it?
Tell me about your typical routine when you watch TV shows or movies.

As you know, I don't have a TV at home.


But I usually watch TV shows on my cell phone.


These Days, many people use their cell phones to watch news, variety shows and find necessary information.


Because I have a cell phone at any time and I can use it myself.


I usually lie on the bed before I go outside and watch youtube on my cell phone.


Plus, I watch fun videos while I exercise on the treadmill at the gym.


That's pretty much all I have to say about your questions.



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