모임 2번

2024. 5. 18. 23:15OPEC 도전기

1. Sometimes when people get together for celebrations or gatherings, unexpected things can happen.
Tell me all about something unexpected that happened at a celebration or gathering in the area where you live.
Tell me what happened from beginning to end.
2. Tell me about the last holiday party or celebration that you attended.
Give me lots of details about what happened, who was there, and what you did from beginning to end.

I remember going to my close friend's wedding.


My friend asked for speech and he said "Don't give money to me".


I couldn't believe he was getting married.


But I wished him a blessing and gave him enough money.


After the wedding, I went to the after-parties with my friends.


I got very drunk because I drank too much.


Looking back, it was a decent day.


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