국내여행 2번

2024. 5. 19. 17:49OPEC 도전기

1. Tell me about some of the trips that you took in your youth.
Where did you go? who did you go with?
And what did you see or do during those early trips?
2. Traveling can lead to many kinds of interesting, funny and unexpected experiences.
Tell me about one travel experience you had that was unforgettable.
Start by telling me when this happened, where you were, and who you were with.
Then, tell me about all the things than happened that made this experience so unforgettable.

As you know, I remember going to the valley quite often with my family when I was a kid in summer.


We stayed in the tent with Car.


When I swam in the valley with my sibling, my mother was cooking for lunch and my father made a place for us to sleep.


Then suddenly my younger brother disappeared.


I informed my parents of this. and then we went around the valley to find him.


After a long time, we finally couldn't find him.


It turned out that my brother was playing with a friend of his age in the other tent.


we were all surprised, but we found him.


It was a memorable trip in my life.


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