쇼핑 3번

2024. 5. 20. 20:56OPEC 도전기

1. Tell me about your early memories of shopping and how you came to enjoy it so much.
You could include information about where and when you used to shop, the people you went shopping with, what kinds of things you used to do while shopping or anything else that would give a clear picture of that experience.
2. Think about your early memories of shopping.
Is there a store or a market that you remember from your childhood?
Describe this place for me. What did it look like? What was your impression of the place?
3. When was the last time you went to shop for something?
Where did you go and what did you buy? Who did you go with? What was special about that shopping experience?
4. Sometimes, funny or unexpected things happen while shopping.
Tell me the story of a memorable shopping experience you had.
Maybe you saw a friend at a store, maybe the item you bought was broken or did not work.
Tell me in detail about a shopping trip that you still remember for some reason.

I remember going to E-mart with my parents when I was a kid.

I rode in the cart when I moved to the mart with my father's help.

I felt very excited at that time.

Especially, I liked going to the toy section the most.

When I found a toy I wanted, I cried and told them to buy it for me.

The most memorable toy was a car that turned into a robot.

Looking back, I miss that time.


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