전화기 1번

2024. 5. 22. 20:52OPEC 도전기

1. What do you like most about your phone?
Do you like the camera? Do you like a certain application?
Do you like a game that is on your phone?
Tell me why you like that feature.
2. What do you and your friends do on your phones besides talking to each other over the phone?
Do you make updates on your social media pages?
Do you play games?
Tell me what you typically do on your phone.

I usually like to take pictures with my cell phone.


My phone is an iphone, so the quality of the camera is good.


In particular, I like to shoot softer and more beautiful videos with cinematic mode.


Other than that, iphone works with other electronic appliances such as ipod and imac.


Other than talking on the phone, sometimes I chat with friends on messaging apps.


I guess I do that everyday.


What else?


I post things on social media on and off.


And I surf the internet or shop online.


So I enjoy my daily life on my cell phone.


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