산업 5번

2024. 5. 23. 21:37OPEC 도전기

Tell me about a time that a product didn't meet the expectations of the public.
Maybe the gaming industry produced a new video game platform that didn't perform well or a new smartphone or a software program had problems when it was first released.
Tell me all about what happened in detail and describe the reactions of the public and the industry to that issue.

This question reminds me of one thing.


It is the Oculus Quest.


It is a virtual reality headset developed by Mark CEO, who is famous for facebook.


At first, it was very popular with the public, but as time went by, it became less popular.


Because there are still some uncomfortable reasons with it.


First, it is inconvenient to carry.


Also, it is very unreasonable price.


plus, it is underutilized.


Once again, virtual reality headset has yet to meet the expectations of the public.



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