패션 1번

2024. 6. 2. 12:04OPEC 도전기

1. What kinds of clothes do people in your country typically wear?
Are there different clothes for work and for play?
Tell me about the clothes in your country.
2. What kinds of clothes do you like to wear personally?
What are you wearing today? What kind of fashion style do you like?
Give me all the details about your fashion style.

You know, Korea is a fashionable country.

They change their fashion depending on the situation and weather.

They wear seasonal clothes.

To be honest, I can't dress well. because I don't have a lot of clothes.

Overall, I follow my own style.

I have basic clothes that I bought myself.

Some clothes look good on me. but others didn't look good on me.

My favorite fashion item is Nike Jordan shoes.

I was given a gift by my sibling last birthday.

Anyway, as for fashion style, I guess, I'm not fashionable.


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