은행 2번

2024. 6. 2. 12:18OPEC 도전기

Banks have definitely changed over time.
Tell me about a bank you remember from your childhood.
What was the bank like? How was it different from banks today?

When I was a kid, I used to go to banks with my mother.

If I remember correctly, we always waited for a long time.

Many people visited banks to take care of their business in the past.

It was always really crowded.

I remember sitting on the sofa in the waiting area and feeling really bored, 

but theses days we don't go to banks that often.

However, thesedays We can do almost everything on our phone. 

I can transfer money, exchange currency, 

and even ask some questions about some banking problems by using a chat-bot. 

We don't need to go to the banks in person anymore.

I prefer the banks of today. 

They are much more convenient, faster and easier. 


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