텔레비젼 6번

2024. 5. 18. 21:57OPEC 도전기

Can you tell me about a TV show or a movie that was particularly memorable?
What was it and who was in it? where did the action take place?
What happened and why was it so memorable for you?
Give me the details starting from the beginning to the end.

Last night, I saw some youtuber about horror movies.


He reviewed a horror movie called 'walking Dead' and recommended this drama to subscribers.


It was an unusual drama about Apocalypse with zombies.


Many actors and actresses starred in this drama and it shows the part history of the main characters and shows how to solve the disaster.


The main character Rick played the role of a father who protects his family from zombies and villains, and overcomes a world with several characters.


That’s pretty much all I have to say about my memorable TV programs.



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