건강 3번

2024. 5. 19. 17:13OPEC 도전기

1. Ideas about what good health is and how to maintain it change frequently. what did people do to maintain good health when you were a child?
What was considered to be a healthy diet at that time? how did people usually exercise? 
Describe how our ideas of what is healthy have changed over time.
2. Different generations have different views on what is healthy.
Some generations think people have to be skinny in order to be healthy, while others believe people must be muscular.
What did your parents' generation think people have to be like in order to be healthy? how does that compare to what your generation believes?

In my opinion, there are different things between the past and in the present.


Back in the day, people thought less about their health.


They tried to relax well. because it was important for them.


They had to go to the sauna more than the gym.


Because there were more than the gym.


Meanwhile, now people can work out more easily than ever.


These days most gyms have many kinds of exercise programs such as Crossfit, Pilates, Yoga, etc.


Also I've signed up for these classes.


It makes me healthier than ever.


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