해외여행 1번

2024. 5. 19. 22:51OPEC 도전기

1. You indicated in the survey that you take vacations internationally.
Can you describe for me one of the countries or cities you've visited?
What does it look like? And what are the people like there?
2. Describe for me your first trip to another country.
When was the trip? where did you go?
Who did you go with and what did you do?
3. Sometimes, something out of the ordinary happens while traveling.
I wonder if you have ever experienced anything.
Surprising, unexpected or unusual while on a trip.
Tell me the story of that experience in detail.

I went on a trip to Thailand.


Bangkok, the center of Thailand's history and economy, is the capital of Thailand.


Thailand has a king, but it is a democracy.


Thailand is a buddhist country, there are countless temples.


Thailand is famous for many delicious foods. I ate pad thai in the local market.


It tasted amazing to me.


Most of the local people in Bangkok were kind.


They wanted to sell something to foreigners.


I did a lot of shopping in the local market.


That's all I can say about it.


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