집에서 보내는 휴가 2번

2024. 5. 20. 00:05OPEC 도전기

1. Could you tell me about an unusual, unexpected, or satisfying experience you had while at home on vacations?
Tell me all the details of that experience. what happened? who was involved? and why was this experience so memorable?
2. Describe exactly what you did during the last vacation that you spent at home.
Give me a description from the first to the last day of all the people you saw and everything that you did.

I remember having several experiences during vacations.


One of the most memorable vacations is when I was in the military, I had my first vacation.


It called '신병위로휴가'.


it means that you can go out because you are serving the country.


Anyway, my first vacation was a terrible day.


Because I lost my key for armor boxes.


I didn't do anything else, so I returned back quickly.


Looking back, It was a memorable day.


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