집에서 보내는 휴가 3번

2024. 5. 20. 00:06OPEC 도전기

You indicated in the survey that you stay at home for vacations.
How do most people spend their vacation in your country?
How does that compare to the way people spent their vacation when you were growing up?
Are they doing things differently? How have things changed and why have things changed?
Please take a minute to discuss this topic.

As for vacations, compared to in the past and in the present, There are several differences.


Back in the day, people got some rest only on sunday.


On the other hand, these days people get some rest on weekends.


In addition, more people go on international trips during vacations than ever.


And they spend time staying at home more than ever.


They hang out with their friends and spend time with family.


That's pretty much all I have to say about vacations.



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