지형 3번

2024. 5. 20. 21:09OPEC 도전기

1. Tell me about the outdoor activities that are popular in your country.
Do people go hiking, bike or swim? What do people typically do outdoors?
2. Please tell me about what kinds of free time activities people in your country do.

Many koreans like hiking and camping in mountain when they have a free time.

I think it is related to geography.

Korea has a diverse geography because it has many mountains such as 태백산, 한라산 and 지리산.

Also, korea has 4 seasons like spring, summer, fall and winter.

In spring, koreans usually go to picnic and see beautiful blossom flowers.

In summer, koreans usually swim and surf on the beaches.

In fall, the mountains change into beautiful colors and koreans hiking on the mountains.

In winter, koreans usually go to ski resorts and they make snowman.

Once again, koreans do various activities on the typical day.


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