지형 4번

2024. 5. 20. 21:13OPEC 도전기

1. I'd like you to pick a favorite place in your country from your childhood and describe that place for me.
What are your memories of that place? What was it like when you were a child?
2. Tell me about an early memory of your country's geography.
Perhaps, you visited a special place or went to an important natural landmark.
Describe what you saw when you visited that special place.
3. People often have memorable and moving experiences when they explore their country's geography.
You might climb a famous mountain or swim at a beautiful beach.
Tell me the story of a memorable time you had while visiting a natural place in your country.

I remember going to a cave with ice when I was a kid with my family.


We went to a well-known cave in Korea.


The cave consists of stones, but it was cold.


Many scientists researched the secret of the cave.


But they didn't know why it was cold.


Sometimes people used storage for foods like the fridge.


It was shocking for me.


and we took a lot of pictures there.


Looking back, it was a memorable day.


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