인터넷 2번

2024. 5. 22. 20:23OPEC 도전기

1. What are your usual habits when you are online?
Do you usually share videos, do your shopping, read the news, etc? What do you usually do online?
2. Tell me about your typical routine online. What do you do? Tell me about your online activities.

I usually spend a lot of time while surfing the internet.


I always do many things on the internet.


First of all, I can upload some posts on my blog using the internet.


It is my hobby to share my opinion and some information on my blog.


It makes me so motivated.


And then, I like online shopping on the internet especially, when I need to buy new clothes.


I try to find the cheapest clothes by visiting some shopping malls.


So online shopping protects my money from wasting.


As a result, I think that using the internet makes me so convenient.


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