지형 7번

2024. 5. 20. 21:26OPEC 도전기

Tell me in detail about changes you have observed concerning the relationship between your country and other countries.
The change might be related to the economy, sports, arts, culture or politics.
Describe the changes in detail.

well.. I would say about the relationship between Taiwan and Korea.

Taiwan and Korea have long had exchanges in various fields of politics, economy, culture, and society.

Especially, what I want to say is the cultural exchange between these two.

Taiwan has allowed the Korean Wave to spread to China and Southeast Asia in the past.

Recently, many young people in Taiwan are interested in Korean content, K-pop, and food.

And there are many people who want to learn Korean.

On the contrary, Korea is also interested in traveling to Taiwan, and they are having good interactions with each other.


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