전화기 6번

2024. 5. 22. 21:00OPEC 도전기

In some societies, there is a concern that young people are not developing face-to-face communication skills because they spend too much time on their phones.
What do people in your country think about the way in which young people use their phones?

well.. I agree about your opinion exactly.

I think that many young generations are addicted to their phones.

There are a lot of side effects with phone addiction.

First of all, If they use their phones for a long time, it cause eyes dry and can effect eyesight.

To prevent this, there is an app that blocks blue light.

Also, If they are addicted to their phones, their communication skills will decrease.

Because they are trying to communicate with SNS rather than real conversation.

So many older generations are concerned about this problem.


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