기술 1번

2024. 5. 23. 20:52OPEC 도전기

1. What kind of technology do people typically use in your country?
Do people use computers, cell phones, or hand-held devices?
What are some common forms of technology that people have?
2. Tell me about a piece of technology that you use every day.
What kind of things do you use it for?

well.. I would say about smart phones.

In my country, people use various types of smart phones.

Plus, many technologic companies are trying to develop improved performance on smart phones over the years.

So thesedays people do various activities on their phones.

For example, they often shop online and watch video clips on their phones.

Plus, they do online banking on and off.

In the past, people had to go to actual banks and did banking works.

However, now people can use online banking with their cellphones.

Well.. In my case, I do same.

I always use my phone to shop online, do banking works, and watch videos.

So these are things I do whenever on my phone.


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