가족/친구 1번

2024. 6. 15. 18:02OPEC 도전기

1. Can you describe a family member you see often?
Who is he or she? What is he or she like?

2. Describe two different family members.
Describe each of them in as much detail as you can.
And then, tell me about the similarities they have in common and the differences between them.

When it comes to my family, I would say about my siblings.


In my family, I'm the oldest son.


There are 5 people in my family, and I have one brother and one sister.


They live in Seoul, so we meet to do some catching up on and off.


My brother and sister have similar interests.


They are fashion-oriented, so they work in the fashion industry.


Compared to me, they are more fashionable than me.


However, they are different from each other.


My brother likes hanging out with his friends, but my sister likes spending time alone.


Once again, there are my siblings with similarities and differences.


'OPEC 도전기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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