가족/친구 2번

2024. 6. 15. 18:04OPEC 도전기

1. Can you describe friends you see often?
Who is he or she? What is he or she like?

2. Describe two different friends.
Describe each of them in as much detail as you can.
And then, tell me about the similarities they have in common and the differences between them.

When it comes to my friends, I gotta tell you about my classmate at the academy.

Let me tell you about 2 people.

Their names are Namki and Samel, respectively.

They have some similarities.

For example, they love singing a song and like to have a chat.

However, compared to each other, Namki is more charming than Samel.

Samel is more active and social in this class.

In summary, they are my best classmates.


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