가족/친구 3번

2024. 6. 15. 18:07OPEC 도전기

1. When you get together with friends or family, what kinds of things do you like to do together and why?

2. When you get together with friends or family, what are some of the topics or interests you discuss?
Why are these things of interest or concern? How do these things affect your life?
Please explain in as much detail as you can.

3. Tell me about visits to a friend's or a family member's house.
What do you normally do when you go there?

There are many various activities at home when I get together with my friends and family.

One thing I do is that we have a chat together

Recently, I met my classmates at home and did some catching up.

We talked about how things are going at studying English.

Also, we advised to each other to be better.

And at the end, we dined all together.

So, these are the things that I talk about when I meet my friends.


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