가족/친구 4번

2024. 6. 15. 18:10OPEC 도전기

1. Tell me about the last time when you got together with your friends or family.
Who was there and when was it? Tell me everything you did that day from begining to end.

2. Could you tell me about a special event or a holiday you Celebrated with your family or friends?
Tell me all about that event or the holiday from beginning to end.

As for special gatherings on holiday with my friends, I remember going to the amusement park with my girlfriend.

Back in the day, when I had a vacation, I went to Everland with my girlfriend.

It was the 100th day since we met.

I wanted to make a good memory for her.

She liked the amusement park and wanted to see Pubao. 

Also, I prepared a surprise event for her.

Looking back, it was a memorable moment.



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